Over Legal Houdini

This is the homepage of Legal Houdini and the Legal Houdini Academy, the names used by Johan T. Jol for his legal (management) activities as independent party.

This web page contains information about Legal Houdini, Legal Houdini Academy  and Johan T. Jol.  General information on  Legal Houdini and its owner, Johan T. Jol is found on the page About Legal Houdini. On Services you find examples of the activities of Legal Houdini. Legal Houdini Academy deals with his teaching initiative. An extensive Curriculum Vitae of Johan T. Jol is also included in the site. To give you an impression of the knowledge and experience of Legal Houdini, some presentations are included in the Know How section. Legal Houdini has also included an overview of the current state of affairs on the credit crisis and some suggestions for further reading.  Links contains references to pages often visited by Legal Houdini. See for links on the Credit crisis also the Know How section.  Contact and General Terms and Conditions contain information about how to contact Legal Houdini or Legal Houdini Academy and the applicable terms and conditions for the services rendered.

Legal Houdini has its own Blog, with a free subsciption possibility and uses Twitter. The News items in the English version of the website stem from the Financial Times (thanks to modern technology). Johan Jol himself made the pictures used on this website.

See re terms of use of the (contents of this) website further, the General terms and conditions



Current Status Recalibration Dutch Bankruptcy Law


The Netherlands are busy with a recalibration of insolvency law. This blog give an overview per [work in progress, Dutch version]
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Update syllabus secured obligations


Legal Houdini Academy updated its syllabus dealing with secured credit.
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The future of international restructurings after the implementation of WCO II and the amendment of EIR. The best is yet to come!


International Restructurings are a fascinating topic to study. At the request of NACIIL johan Jol wrote a report on 15 years of international restructurings in the context of the recent and future developments to change both Dutch and European insolvency law.
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Nederlands | English

Case 03/12


The company is about to do an important acquisition. Legal support is required.

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Legal Houdini
Mobile +31 651283011